Acullicu TV


1 de mayo de 2010

"Wanka Willka: 3 generaciones de Danzantes de Tijeras"

Ciudad: Rantay, Huancavelica

Etiquetas: Danza de tijeras. Arpa. Violín. Documental. Etnografía. Etnomusicología

Synopsis: Dances of the Wanka Willka Folkloric Group, formed by a family of 3 generations of scissors dancers, are showed in this production in all his beauty. After many years traveling around the world, they returned to Rantay and Anchonga, two little villages in the heart of Huancavelica, one of the poorest departments in Peru, where they born.

Scissors dance is a traditional Peruvian manifestation, older than Spanish colonization. In the Colonial and Independence times this artistic expression was censored because it was considered pagan for the inhuman acrobatics of their dancers.

Maximo "Derrepente" Huamanyalli
Gabriel Hilario "Lucifer" Huamanyalli
Gabriel "Lucifer Jr." Huamanyalli.

Adalberto (Violín)
, Fausto (Arpa)

Diego Sarmiento

Screenwriter and Research
Alvaro Sarmiento

Alvaro y Diego Sarmiento

Diego Sarmiento

Concurso “Así es mi Perú” de la Municipalidad de Lima
Mención Honrosa
Lima, Perú, 2008 

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